For His Glory

Mark Dever on Evangelism

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None of us ever have a complete understanding of the Gospel, but we must have a clear idea of what the basics of our message are, and we must be clear in our expression of them.  If there is a likely misunderstanding, we should address it.  We should speak in such a way as to be understood.  (“Contextualization” is the big theological word for this.)  So when we talk about justification (and we should) we should make sure to define it.  Justification is being declared right with God.  But we sin, we’re not right with God.  So how can we be declared right?  We can’t, if God is truly good.  Unless, that is, we have someone act as a substitute for us.  “Justification” then gets us talking about all kinds of issues right at the heart of the Gospel.

For the rest of the article go here.

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